Same God

As I type this, I’m listening to this.

I have had so many moments of doubt. They are countless… So many times, I smiled and acted like I believed that God would show Himself strong but at the back of my mind I ask myself, will He? Or will I be embarrased? I’d smile nod and say Amen but deep inside it’s a warzone. At the back of my mind I know He can and He will but when I look at the situation, I don’t know how it would possibly work.

My moments of doubt have decrease as I remind myself of my God and a few of the known things that He has done:

Same God who created the universe by His word

Same God who gave a child to a 90 year old woman

Same God who provided Abraham’s ram when he was about to sacrifice his only son

Same God who turned Joseph, a prisoner into a governor

Same God who appeared as a burning bush that wouldn’t be consumed

Same God who parted the Red Sea

Same God who rises the dead

Same God who heals the sick

Same God who turned water into wine

Same God who walked on water

Same God who fed 5,000 with two loaves and five fish

Same God who kept Jonah alive in the belly of a whale

Same God who saved Saul, a persecutor of Christians into one of the greatest teachers on our relationship with Christ

Same God who gave His only son as a pure sacrifice for my filth

Same God, has never changed…remains the same. Regardless of my situation, He remains healer, provider, protector, way maker, miracle worker, father. That same powerful God loves me, He loves you. So however big you think your situation is, remember, we have a faithful God. He NEVER changes, He is consistent, Not like shifting shadows

He is the same God.